Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snowed In... Snow day Sew day Ski day

For two days it has been snowing.  Friday was about one foot and we woke to approximately another foot this am.  It also has been very cold, 7 degrees, and very windy.  This miserable combination is not pleasant to be outdoors or drive because it causes these drifts that can swallow my suv.  So i have been homebound!  I have gone on two x-coutry ski treks with the dogs (today's went better than yesterday's!) and have been spending some time in my SEWING CENTER!!!!!  :)  That is what I call my sewing room.  I love it.  I allocated it last spring from the Hubbee.  

This is Fenway (weiner) and Wrigley (lab) in the snow.  They were hilarious.  Wrigely had never seen this much snow and couldn't handle Fenway disappearing into the depths and she would try to figure out where he was going to surface, where she would then whitewash the poor guy.  

I have several friends that just had babies. And also with the looming holidays I have a lot of sewing to do... so I scoured the internet to find some more creative items to make for babies rather than time consuming quilts.  I came across these cute burp cloths:

They were from  It is a super easy, fast, fun item to whip up.  And very practical.  I made a set of three to give with these cute little kimono slippers:

These came from  also a great tutorial and easy!  

In lieu of showering yet another day I am going to get back to sewing!  Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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